Homework & Spellings
Children in Y3/4 have several pieces of homework to complete:
- Spellings (set and tested weekly)
- Maths homework books (set fortnightly)
- Reading (checked weekly)
On top of this regular homework, we would expect that children should also spend some time each week practising their times tables, reading age-appropriate texts and using MyMaths. Class teachers will set and check all homework.
Spellings (weekly)
Starting the week beginning Monday 16th October, your child will be set spelling homework via Spelling Shed. Please ensure your child logs in on the 'School Username' tab and use our school ID (#129459) alongside your child's unique username and password, which will be stuck into your child's planner. Once logged in, your child needs to choose the 'assignment' tab, where they will see that week's assignment; they must then press 'play'. They will see a screen which gives a 'take test' option as well as a number of games they can use to practise that week's spelling list. Children should practise their spellings using these games, at least three times per week, at which point they should then take the test. Once they begin the test, they will get only one try at the 10 spellings, so they must feel confident that they will achieve a score of at least 6 out of 10 before they start. The children will have one week to complete the three games as well as the test, which will be checked by your child's spelling teacher every Wednesday.
Your child will have been shown how to access their spelling assignment within a spelling lesson. However, if you have any issues with this at home, please see your class teacher, who will be happy to help.
Maths (fortnightly)
This is set fortnightly using the numbered Maths arithmetic books: please check your child's book for the date the next test is due. This will then be marked in class with your child's maths teacher.
Reading (weekly)
Children in Year 3/4 are expected to read daily; in addition, they must read aloud to an adult at least 3 times each week. You should sign your child's planner on the dates that they read to you, as we will expect children to have at least three signatures per week to evidence their reading.
Further Information
Homework Projects
There will be two homework projects per year and these will replace the children's usual literacy homework (more details will be given about these during the year).
Tuesday Homework Club
On Tuesday afternoons, a small homework club will be run in school. Please note, this has been set up to assist those families who may struggle to access the technology needed for completing homework. If you feel that your child would benefit from attending this, please speak to your child's class teacher, who will be able to let you know if there is space for them to attend.
Incomplete / Forgotten Homework
If a pupil does not hand their homework in on the required day, they are given an extra day to complete it (a sticker will be placed in their planner to remind them). If it is still not brought in, they will be given the opportunity to complete the work at break time.