Reading in Year 3/4
In Year 3/4, we expect children to be reading every day at home and for them to read aloud to an adult (or older sibling) three times a week as part of their regular homework. This can be recorded in the children's planners for the class teacher to check. Your child will be provided with a level- and age-appropriate text from the library to assist with this.
If you struggle to know how to best support your child with reading at home, use the following resources to help. If you need further help, please get in touch with your child's teacher, who will be happy to help!
World Book Day Resources
Family resources from the World Book Day website. They can help you make reading at home engaging, fun and unique. They are especially useful if you have a reluctant reader or an avid reader who needs to try new books! The timetable is useful for children who struggle to fit reading at home into their busy schedules or have a tendency to forget.
Useful Websites
Links to further help and resources, particularly for finding inspiration for new books if your child is 'stuck' reading the same type of book or doesn't know what to try next.
Oxford Owl eBook Library
You can filter these free ebooks by book band (select levels, book band) once you know which colour level your child is reading.
The Reader Teacher
Some great book lists for Year 3 and 4, including books for reading aloud and reluctant readers.
The Book Trust: Bookfinder
A great tool for helping your children pick out a book they'll love by age and theme.
If you need some 'book-spiration', look no further. These books are a great read for children in Year 3/4 and I will change them every so often, so keep checking back! Have you read them?
Many Worlds of Albie Bright: An intelligently written, fun story. Great if you're a fan of science too...
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane: I love everything by this author, but this one is a tearjerker!
How to Train Your Dragon: Miss King especially enjoys listening to the Audible versions of this series. Funny and fun!
Frostheart: With winter coming up, this is a cracking read. Good for fans of fantasy and adventure.
The Boy at the Back of the Class: A brilliantly written story about a refugee boy moving to the UK. Thought-provoking...
Books we shared in Year 3/4 last year...
Hopefully, this will give you a flavour of what we will share together this coming year!